Alicat Scientific Releases IO-Link Enabled Mass Flow and Pressure Controllers and Meters

Adds IO-Link as a communication option on gas and liquid mass flow, and pressure control, instruments

Aug 19, 2024

Alicat instruments for flow and pressure with IO-Link

IO-Link communications can be ordered on mass flow controllers, mass flow meters, liquid controllers and meters, pressure transducers, and pressure controllers — including dual valve pressure controllers and OEM pressure devices from Alicat Scientific.

Alicat® Scientific of Tucson, Arizona, adds IO‑Link to its list of communication options for Alicat instruments. With this release, manufacturers and industrial customers can incorporate market‑leading features of Alicat instruments, within their IO‑Link networks. Instrument types available include IO‑Link flow controllers, pressure controllers, mass flow meters, and pressure transducers.

IO‑Link is one of the fastest growing communication protocols in automation. The number of IO‑Link devices installed doubled in 2023. The adoption of IO‑Link is owed in part to the protocol’s emphasis on maximizing the data coming out of devices, but also the easy way IO‑Link integrates with other industrial protocols. Distinctively, Alicat’s instruments deliver not just one function but monitor many kinds of process data such as temperature, pressure, and flow. These capabilities include flexible precise control, as well. Alicat’s mass flow and pressure controllers represent a desirable expansion in the capabilities of the IO‑Link product ecosystem.

“As the demand for faster and easier‑to‑use options for industrial automation increases, we’re proud to be one of the first flow and pressure control instrument manufacturers to offer IO‑Link. It shows Alicat Scientific’s commitment to continuously evolve with our customers’ processes. But we didn’t just introduce more sensors. These are multivariate measurement instruments that control flow or pressure of gas or liquids,” said David Davis, VP of Engineering at Alicat Scientific.

Alicat Scientific’s IO‑Link instruments conform to the IEC 61131‑9 standard. Both Class A and Class B mass flow meters, pressure transducers, and mass flow controllers can be ordered. Class B configurations permit control of higher flow rates, up to 10,000 liters per minute.

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