Food & Beverage

Keeping produce, meat, and packaged goods fresh requires the precise addition of nonreactive gases and the removal of oxygen. Repeatable drink carbonation also requires highly responsive flow control.

Process and package long-lasting food and beverage products

Controlling gas flows and pressures ensures consumers get the freshness, the crunch, or the creaminess they are looking for.

  • Blanketing with gases mixed on site eliminates the need for expensive pre-mixed gases and enables easy traceability of all packaging elements.
  • Accurate, low-flow dosing ensures consistent introduction of additives, maintaining quality control.
  • Aeration, carbonation, or nitrogenation introduce the bubbles and creaminess customers crave.

Flow technologies for dosing foods and beverages.



Precision dosing of additives and flavorings

Use CODA Coriolis controllers to precisely add oil to potato chips, meeting consumer demands for reduced-oil snacks and ensuring seasonings stick.



Gas mixing for food preservation

Meat and produce require different MAP gas mixtures to stay fresh – but pre-mixed gases are expensive.

Dynamic gas mixers can be used to quickly and easily mix gases with custom compositions and volumes, maintaining traceability at every step.

Fusion Flow Technologies by Alicat

Air monitoring calibration mass flow controller


CODA Coriolis mass flow controllers precisely control DI water or high pressure gases.

Hydrogen mass flow meters with integrated totalizers make monitoring easy, up to 10,000 SLPM.

Hydrogen mass flow controllers mimic fuel cell behaviors at full scale flow rates up to 10,000 SLPM with quick response and high accuracy.

Dual-valve pressure controllers reach setpoints in milliseconds and maintain control without continuous bleeding.

Key Industry Uses

Sparging and stripping in brewing and distilling

Sparging carbon dioxide into the brite tank, stripping undesired flavors and odors from whiskey, and controlling headspace pressure in a fermentation vessel each require precise gas control.

Aerating chocolate with carbon dioxide and nitrogen

Tightly controlled carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas flows are used to aerate chocolate for a light, airy texture.

Solutions for industrial food manufacturing

Mount a controller on the top of a tank, while monitoring process conditions with a remote display.

Alicat devices are available with hygienic connections and IP67 ratings for washdown compatibility.